Principal's Message
Welcome to our Daly Grove School family! We are looking forward to 2024-2025; a year full of promise for growth, greatness, success and of course, connection and learning! Daly Grove Staff are delighted to have you as part of our community as students, parents and caregivers, family, staff and community members are all important and valued participants in our world of learning.
Student safety, well being and learning are priorities at Daly Grove. We have a caring and committed staff who support and encourage students to be their very best and engage learners in many different ways. We work as a team with our learning partners to do what is best for all of the children in our care. The characteristics of kindness, caring, respect, inclusiveness and responsibility are only a few of the attributes that are part of every classroom.
What can you do as a student to make your school year the best ever? Choose kindness and take care of each other every day. Come to school ready to participate in your learning adventure. There are so many things in our great big world to explore and engage in. Be passionate! Ask questions! Research! Collaborate! Be brave! Take risks and challenge yourself! This is your time to be great and be someone who makes a difference in our world.
This is my second year at Daly Grove and I look forward to continuing relationships and getting to know our new students and families. I invite you to call or email when you have questions, comments or concerns. You are your child’s advocate and your input matters. Our children are the greatest asset in this world and their success depends on all of our support. Together we can make amazing things happen.
Let’s have a fabulous year together!
Proud Principal of Daly Grove School,
Shannon Gilson