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It is wonderful to be the school of choice for so many families who are able to see their children to school or pick them up at the end of the day.  However, with so many children being dropped off and picked up, the traffic/parking situation near the school requires everyone’s cooperation if we are to ensure that  children are safe as they arrive and depart from school. 

Please keep students and staff safe by:

  • Bringing your children to school ten minutes prior to the entry bell to avoid congestion
  • Dropping students off on the school side of the road or near a designated crosswalk 
  • Sending your children off to meet friends and supervising staff so that you to can leave and open space for someone else to drop off

Other expectations that MUST be adhered to:

  • Follow all traffic signage, laws, and use designated crosswalks. There are many children and parents coming to and from school – move slowly and always be on the lookout while you are in your vehicle.
  • Pull over and park appropriately when dropping off or picking up children.
  • Please model safe crossing.  Encourage your child to use the designated crosswalks and do not encourage them to cross in the middle of the road and between cars.
  • Be aware of crosswalks and fire hydrants where there is no parking.

We continue to work with Edmonton Public Schools, City of Edmonton, Alberta Traffic Safety Council, and the Edmonton Police Services to ensure the safety of our students. However, the best way to ensure your children are safe is for YOU to abide by traffic laws, use common sense, and be a positive role model. As always, parents and community members are always reminded to choose safety over convenience.