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At Daly Grove we recognize and value the diversity of our students and community.  We appreciate each child for their uniqueness and are committed to creating and nurturing a safe and welcoming environment where students can thrive. 

We offer regular programming from Kindergarten to Grade 6.   A regular program presents the curriculum required by Alberta Education.  Students engage in four core subjects (English Language Arts and Literature, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies) and receive additional instruction in Physical Education and Wellness and Fine Arts.  In addition, students in grades 4 to 6 in our Division are introduced to an additional language; which at Daly Grove is French.  

Additional information about curriculum can be accessed here.   New LearnAlberta | Alberta’s K–6 Curriculum

Our dedicated staff use a variety of resources and strategies to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of the variety of learners in our classrooms.  In turn, all students are expected to do their best and take responsibility for their learning and behavior.  Students in our regular program work in a fully inclusive environment, utilizing a variety of resources and technology.  We celebrate student accomplishments and success and hope to inspire them to be responsible citizens who are respectful and kind and who seek to contribute to their community.  


Daly Grove offers half day kindergarten classes in both the morning and afternoon.   Although it is not mandatory for parents to send their children to kindergarten, it is strongly encouraged, as it teaches language, motor, social and other readiness skills important for success in schooling in the early grades.  Students are eligible to enroll in kindergarten if they will be 5 years old on or before December 31st of the year they are enrolled.  We welcome registrations any time beginning in February for the following year. Please also visit our Division website for further information on Kindergarten registration and program description.


Daly Grove does not host a formal open house at this time.  For more information on our Kindergarten classroom and how you can prepare your child for Kindergarten, you can access the presentation below.  If you have additional questions, please contact the school office.

Please take a look at our Daly Grove - Virtual Kindergarten Open House!